Monday, 2 August 2021

Monday August 2, 2021

 Time in nature... is life in nature. And life without nature is not a life.

Yesterday afternoon the sun on the swollen river and on my face took my breath away.

I stopped to feel the sun on my face and it gave me goosebumps. I realised recently that a good day is when you have that feeling of awe that gives you goosebumps and it has become my bare minimum. If I can harness that feeling most days, everything else seems rather insignificant.

I was only going to walk for half an hour  - had shopping to do - but once I arrived at this bend on the river and saw the bursting, yellow wattle blossom I couldn't turn back.

The one-hour walk of the Scenic Drive in Echuca is magical at any time of year. But late winter, early spring delivers the most when it comes to beauty and awe. The fresh, coolness from the damp ground after many weeks of rain coupled with luminous green grass and bright yellow wattle that smells like the bees... is there anything better?