Tuesday 26 May 2015

How to stay comfortable when travelling, without the comforts of home...

To stay comfortable, and sane, while travelling with a family of five there's a few simple strategies to maximise enjoyment and not 'lose your shit' in the process.

1. Stay calm...
Even though I'm a relatively-regular meditator I've been cramming extra meditation sessions over the past two weeks to ensure when we're in the thick of things, and the taxi we ordered to the airport has not turned up, I will hopefully not lose my shit. 
That's the beauty of mediation. You don't really recognise the good it does until you're in a pressure cooker environment and when you'd normally lose it, you actually keep it together.

2. Be patient, and kind - to yourself and those around you...
Being patient, especially with over-tired children who are way outside their familiar environment - it's tough for them.
If you're a long-time lover of travel (like I am) you will relish the challenges of travelling overseas: the hustle and bustle of airports, the adventures of finding your way (or not) and unfamiliar sights, sounds, smells and tastes. However, you must remember your 11, nine and six-year-old might not appreciate a good dose of 'culture shock'. Go easy on them, let them sleep when they need it (even if it's 11am) and be aware that your might have to tolerate some pretty 'out there' behavior from some pretty tired kids. Also let them eat, anything (within reason) anytime, because when we're hungry, we are grumpy. And listen to their questions (even when you're too tired to listen), explain the things they see and teach them different isn't always a bad thing. The world is full of different and interesting - that's why we should explore it!

3. Don't do everything...
We are currently in San Diego - a gorgeous city; very much like Perth, Australia - it's 10.45am and we're waiting for our children to wake up. I've been up since around 7am after a great night's sleep, done some yoga, made some coffee, enjoyed a light breakfast and I'm keen to explore.
The urge to wake our children is a strong one, however, my husband, keeps reminding me about their two days sans sleep.
There is so much to see and do here - Sea World, Lego World, a world-famous zoo - however the idea of coming here was to catch up with a childhood friend of mine and chill out... recover.
Yesterday our girls played in the surf while I rested on the beach - resisting the urge to fall asleep. It was just what we all needed.

Sometimes even when there's a world of things to do and see, you just need to chill and recover for the next leg of your adventure.  
I consider all of this as I eat my second breakfast of eat avocado and vegemite on toast and impatiently wait for our bloody kids to wake up!

Catch you soon, 

Christy xo

Monday 25 May 2015

We're finally here...

Wow - one whole day (two by the clock) and we've made it here to the USA with our family of five! Everyone coped pretty well, relatively speaking, and we are now recuperating in a quaint little cottage by the beach in chilled-out San Diego - something I would certainly recommend for a family after a grueling day traveling: time to recover and chill...

Wednesday 25 February 2015

The planning stage...

When planning a trip abroad for a family of five where to begin?

The obvious place to start would be a map of the world!

Our family of five is embarking on a three-week odyssey through the USA, with a side trip to the West Indies for a game of cricket, ticking all the boxes for an iconic journey through the land of hope and dreams. Join me as I share my thoughts from the mind-boggling logistics of travelling with three kids, to how we recover from two days in transit without sleep, and how I will fulfil my ultimate cricket holiday.